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Sunday, April 6, 2014

Nocando Comes Through with Two Awesome Tracks

I missed you guys. Anyway, these two tracks, "Third World Hustle" and "Break Even," off Nocando's LP Jimmy the Burnout are great pieces of proletarian artistry. I don't really dig the rest of the LP, but these songs are gold. Low, heavy hitting beats pound through both tracks - though "Third World Hustle" is decidedly darker, while "Break Even" has some catchy-as-hell horns and piano. What makes these tracks stand-out, however catchy and hard the beats and music are, is the lyrics. In "Break Even," Nocan spits:
"Dressed fresh, 20,000 in debt
Seen an old classmate when I jumped off a jet
Working TSA, this is what he said
'Why you look stressed? Man you set'
He said he got a 9 to 5, work the night shift
And he got a side hustle after that
I'm like when do you sleep
He just laughed, and said 'what's that?'"
And in "Third World Hustle" he raps:
"You know that girl
That girl that lives right there?
The one with the big bright smile
With the pretty eyes and the real long hair?
She would tag along when we skated down the street
She was on her bike, purple with a white seat
Yeah she had a baby, went to school to be a nurse
Her sorry baby dady, yeah that nigga never works
I went to Deja Vu, saw her stripping on a pole
I put $20 on her like 'baby bless your soul'"

This is serious music written by someone who's excluded from capitalism for people that are excluded from capitalism. I love it.

Rating: 9.5/10

Here's "Break Even":

And here's "Third World Hustle":

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